Wednesday, February 3, 2016

He Knows Our Needs

     The Lord and His mercies never seem to cease. As I have come to know the Lord and His will through my service as a missionary, I have seen countless miracles in my life. Both great and small. I contemplate the week and my experiences. It seems that as a missionary when I teach, i not only teach, but the Holy Spirit teach me in the process. I recently taught a man who struggles with many worldly issues, principal among them being financial. This man expressed doubts and concerns about the mercy and grace of God, believing but without applying. We know that faith is based upon not only the belief but the action, through action we demonstrate our belief unto the gaining of light and knowledge. This man had fallen so far from the concept of faith that he began to think that simply asking God for what he wanted was too much, that God did not have patience for complaints doubts and wants. One of my favorite scriptures that apply to this concept is found in Matthew 6:31-33:
"Therefore, take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."
     The Lord knows of our needs, therefore, do not worry about the things of this world, for the Lord God will bless all those who seek after His righteousness first. I know that this man will find peace and joy in this life after he seeks first God and His Kingdom.
     This week has been a very interesting. My companion Elder Hughes is a very good missionary and works very hard. I like the way he focuses on following the spirit. I feel I have gotten into too much of a routine with my teaching. It feels good to not only see people as numbers but really focus and take to heart the spiritual welfare of these people. As I come to draw power from and rely on the spirit, I find a new wealth of knowledge and spiritual blessings. Truly I could not be able to work the way I do and teach the way I do without the guidance and fortification of the Holy Spirit. One day this week I came home just completely worn out from all the spiritual work of the day and said, "man, if i didn't have the spirit with me right now, I would be dead tired." I know that God is real and keeps His promises. Yesterday, as we taught a man who was struggling financially, I felt the impression to share Dad´s story, how through the gospel he was able to overcome all and become a prosperous man with innumerable blessings. I began to ponder in the reality of the Lord and His almighty goodness, that, because of Him and the faithfulness of our father, we are here, given the grand opportunity to share the gospel with the world, changing lives and becoming who we need to become.
     May every righteous blessings be found upon you as you seek after Him. I know miracles are real and will occur so long as we show our faith through action.

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