Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Elder Christensen Mission Conference

       This week has been filled with much spiritual direction and counsel. I direct my thoughts to the mission conference we had this last Monday with Elder Craig C. Christensen of the Presidency of the Seventy. This great servant of God directed this devotional to the meaning and purpose of the worldwide missionary training broadcast that was held this last Wednesday. He expressed the divine importance of "Teaching Repentance and Baptizing Converts." As missionaries we are inclined to sometimes get caught up in the whims and woes that are the gospel doctrines and truths and forget the meaning of helping others turn to Christ in true repentance and conversion. We find that many of the people we teach and baptize soon fall away from the church and its teachings. Why is that? because we as servants of the Lord and instruments in His hands forget to teach the Key Doctrines of Faith and Repentance focusing only on that which is baptism and confirmation. although very necessary parts of the Plan of Salvation, if we do not teach our investigators to repent not only before baptism, but afterwards and for the rest of their lives, they cannot reach the plains of what is salvation and perfection through the Infinite Atonement of Jesus Christ. I know that as I strive to keep my gospel covenants and strive to help others realize it as well, I will not only baptize more, but increase the quality of those that are baptized. I know that these are divine promises of the Lord given by His true servants.
     Other news, three of the investigators I was teaching in my old area got baptized this week! What a miracle! Their names are Cristian, Jennifer, and Lucia. All were references given to us by recent converts! Just goes to show that you never know who is ready to be baptized no matter how young they are! So all the youth out there who arent sure if they should introduce their friends to the missionaries, dont be afraid! The Lord works in miraculous ways!

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