Wednesday, January 6, 2016

The Lord Leads Us

     This week we had a cool little miracle. We were walking down a street one day at about late afternoon and this street we usually dont go down very often but that day we decided to take that route to another lesson. as we rounded the corner man came running out of one of the houses and called us over. we came over and he told us that he wanted to hear from us, that he had an uncle in the states who was a member and that he had told him to look for the mormon missionaries. so that night we talked with him and placed a baptismal date with him. that night we also met the rest of his family who were all interested and very open as well. a few days later we came back and taught the whole family this time and they all accepted baptismal date. there were about 5 of them. and there are some others who live there who we havent been able to talk to yet. but thats the miracle of the week!

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