He also announced the new goal for 2016. The new goal for the mission is 2600 baptisms! It sounds crazy but I know that if we have faith and trust in ourselves and our leaders that the Lord will bless us! There are so many people out there in Nicaragua who have been prepared by the Lords hand to receive the gospel at this time. I know the Lord is merciful and good. I know that the power of the holy priesthood is real and that we are directed and guided by Jesus Christ himself. 2015 may have not been the funnest year of my life, but I have grown and matured to greater lengths. The Lord has seen fit to challenge me, and I hope to be able to rise to them all and overcome. Thank you all for supporting me this last year. So bring it on 2016, im ready for you!
Elder Alejandro Lim
Hello Friends and Family!
This is John speaking. I've updated AJ's blog all the way up to this week as part of a project for one of my BYU classes. I also plan on making some kind of visual message (Picture or video) to go with his updates every week. The weeks that he doesn't send an email I will use a simple message from one of his previous messages. Thanks for loving my brother and I look forward to what he will teach us in the next year!
12th December 2015
I know things may seem hard right now but don't be sad! We have eternity! A lot of times I get caught up in the moment and don't think about the bigger picture. It's hard to have that vision, but I know if we have a vision we can get through anything. Just hold on to the joys and blessings of life!
Elder Alejandro Lim
Hello Friends and Family!

12th December 2015
I know things may seem hard right now but don't be sad! We have eternity! A lot of times I get caught up in the moment and don't think about the bigger picture. It's hard to have that vision, but I know if we have a vision we can get through anything. Just hold on to the joys and blessings of life!
I'm glad AJ recognizes how much he has grown in the past year. Sometimes it's super discouraging on your mission when it feels like so little progress is being made! But I think we can all see how his experiences have changed and matured him.