Monday, October 12, 2015

The Consecration of One's Life

Dearest Friends and Family,
     I hope to find you this week in good spirits. This week we had our Multi-Zone Conference with President and Sister Russell. President Russell talked about the 3 kinds of missionaries. The "Social", the "Honorable", and the "Consecrated". As he shared this message I found that there were many things that i did that took me away from being a consecrated missionary to being just an honorable one. As I came to the realization of my weaknesses and my bad habits, i made goals to overcome and sanctify my mission. Today I wish to apply a little bit of what i learned to your life.
     "Consecration"- to dedicate or sanctify, to reach beyond righteousness. The Law of consecration is when men and women dedicate voluntarily their time, talents, skills, and goods for the edification or building of the Kingdom of God. I want to ask a question, How many of you NOW live the Law of Consecration? Now, many of you might think, "But isnt that a law that we will live much later in life, like the millenium?" Teachnically yes, but as servants and disciples of Jesus Christ we dont want just mediocrity, we want to be the BEST. Being just "Honorable" is good. But being "Consecrated" is of the Kingdom of Heaven.
     The scripture says to serve with all of our "heart, might, mind, and strength" but how many of us only serve with our might and strength but not with our heart nor mind? The Lord expects much of us, in fact, "all that we are". As we give all that we are to the Lord we give him everything. you might think, "But thats too much" or "I dont have that kind of time". The Lord grants unto us sacred promises when we give all that we are. As we first seek the kingdom of God and its justice, all these things are added unto us. For blessed is that state of those who keep the commandments for they are blessed in all things both spiritually and temporally.
     I pray that you will consecrate your life unto the Lord. Make His will, Your will. I promise that if you do this the Lord will not only bless you with a good life, but a life that will make you like Him, but everyone around you for generations. I love you all and pray for you always. May you find greater peace and happiness in life as you dedicate it to Him.

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