Monday, October 19, 2015

Continue On

     This week i hope to find you all in good hopes and cheerful hearts. These past few weeks have proven to be a great time of trial and probation. As we pass through trials of faith in our lives, and times when just "hoping" isnt enough; i pray that you will CONTINUE ON. The Lord desires that we become perfect in him. but the metal does not become purified until passed through the refiners fire. We as humans and children of God, need to be purified to obtain the Celestial Kingdom. But we should not forget the principle of Grace in our lives as well.
     As we push forward and CONTINUE ON, we show our faith in God, we show that even though we cant see the light at the end of the tunnel, we know the Lord will eventually illuminate our paths. Endure well, and dont stray from the course which the Lord has plotted. We know where we should be going and what we should be doing, so CONTINUE ON! Before we came to this Earth, we knew it wouldnt be easy, we knew it would hurt sometimes, we knew we would fail from time to time, but we knew that through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, we would be saved NONETHELESS.
     Be worthy of His grace and saving power. CONTINUE ON. I promise that you will feel hope, peace, and assurance in your hearts, as i have felt it many a time. I know you will all make it through. I love you and hope you all have a great week.
Siga Adelante!

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