Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Strength to My Testimony

     The work consumes my time and efforts. Sometimes if I focus on it too much time will go by really slow and I will feel like the mission will never end but when I just forget it and get to work the time goes by faster. So I think it's just better if I forget it and get to work. This last transfer meeting my trainer went home. it was sad to see him go. he was probably my greatest friend here in the mission. almost like an older brother. It was sad to think that we might not see each other for many years.
     This week we have two baptisms, maybe three. but I just want to write a little about two of them. One is named Jon Julian. This man is separated from his wife and children because his wife wanted to do different things and didn't want to live with him anymore. These last couple years have been hard for him dealing with family and financial problems. We found him one day contacting. Without even calling him he came out of his house and asked if we had called his name. we said no. and he knew it must have been a sign from god so he listened to us. We gave him a pamphlet of the restoration and a couple days later he came to us and said he knew that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God and that he was visited by angels. He said he received a testimony of it through a voice that told him it was true. ever since then he has been reading the Book of Mormon. I have seen him change his life so much. He is ready to be baptized this Saturday.
     The other one is named Karla. She is the mother of the woman we baptized a few weeks ago. She started out with many doubts and many concerns but with a willingness to learn. We gave her a copy of the Book of Mormon and ever since then has been reading it every day. She reads our assignments and she started from the beginning of the book and she is almost to 2 Nephi I believe! She also expressed a profound sense of happiness and light that has filled her life. and she says she feels a certain filling in her soul. she says she once was empty and she feels like the Lord has directed her to the truth. something she has been looking for her whole life. I know that the Lord little by little softened her heart. until she was humble enough to receive the gospel light and truth and apply it to her life.
     I know the Lord led me to these people and that I was made an instrument in his hands to help these people receive the Holy Ghost in their hearts. I love this work and know with a surety of heart and soul that it is the truth. My spirit rejects the notion of it not being the true and everlasting gospel. I cannot deny it. I have seen too many miracles, too many witnesses. This is my testimony. May it stand forevermore before the world.

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