Friday, March 25, 2016

Led By the Spirit

     The Lord continues to bless us with miracles and we have been able to find more people who have really been prepared to receive the gospel. We recently had a cool experience. Sunday night leaving a lesson I looked to my companion and asked him where he thought we should go to find people to teach. He looked to me and said he had no idea. so, we started walking in some random direction. after a few minutes of walking, we hear a distant voice shout "Elderes!" We immediately turn around and there is a recent convert walking down the street toward us some fifty yards away carrying a heavy load.
     So we go over and see why she called us, she asked if we could help carry some of her stuff to her house. so we happily agree and on the way I do what any great missionary would do and I ask her if she has any friends or family who need God in these moments. She told us that in fact she did. She said she had a neighbor that was interested in visiting the church and knowing more about the church and she asks if we would like to meet her. we comply and she takes us to her. That night the woman happily accepted the baptismal date. In fact, her husband is a member as well but very inactive. Yesterday we asked her about the restoration and how she feels about Joseph Smith and the church and she said that she feels that it is true and that this is where the Lord wants her to be. She is excited about church on Sunday and to be able to read the Book of Mormon. She also said ever since we started coming over she has felt a great peace and happiness in her life that she has never had before.
    The Lord is preparing people to receive the Gospel. I have seen it with my own eyes. I feel like I never understood this principle until recently. I know that the Lord will guide me to those people who have been chosen at this time to receive the gospel through the power of the Holy Ghost.
     Other exciting news! Karla, Jon Julian, and Alondra were baptized this last weekend! It was one of the greatest experiences of my life to be able to see these people's conversion to the Gospel. I love these people so much! Their lives have been changed so much and the Lord has poured out His Holy Spirit upon them in great abundance. I pray that you will continue to pray to God to guide you to those people you know who have been prepared to receive the Gospel. I know He will reveal unto you as you ask in faith.

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