I love sharing the message of the restoration. It not only shows us that God lives and guides us today, but it gives us comfort and solace in a world of mixed ideas and confused morals. I have seen hearts soften, lives change, and minds open as people have accepted the message of the restoration of the gospel and the Book of Mormon. I know the Book of Mormon to be the word of God unto the convincing of men that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God, the Savior and Redeemer of the world. I pray that all men will have the opportunity to read it and live by its precepts, that they may too learn of the Will and Power of God in their own lives. I know He lives and was resurrected from the dead and broke the bands of death so that all might come unto Him and not perish but have everlasting life. I know I am a man and that I am imperfect and am a sinner, nevertheless, His grace is sufficient to cleanse me of my sins and to break the chains of sin which bind me to the flesh. He has the power to perfect us so that we too may see God and become like Him. I pray that all might repent and come unto him with full purpose of heart. I know in Him there is happiness and peace. This is my testimony in this Easter season. Amen.
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Influenced by the Spirit this Easter
I love sharing the message of the restoration. It not only shows us that God lives and guides us today, but it gives us comfort and solace in a world of mixed ideas and confused morals. I have seen hearts soften, lives change, and minds open as people have accepted the message of the restoration of the gospel and the Book of Mormon. I know the Book of Mormon to be the word of God unto the convincing of men that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God, the Savior and Redeemer of the world. I pray that all men will have the opportunity to read it and live by its precepts, that they may too learn of the Will and Power of God in their own lives. I know He lives and was resurrected from the dead and broke the bands of death so that all might come unto Him and not perish but have everlasting life. I know I am a man and that I am imperfect and am a sinner, nevertheless, His grace is sufficient to cleanse me of my sins and to break the chains of sin which bind me to the flesh. He has the power to perfect us so that we too may see God and become like Him. I pray that all might repent and come unto him with full purpose of heart. I know in Him there is happiness and peace. This is my testimony in this Easter season. Amen.
Friday, March 25, 2016
Led By the Spirit
So we go over and see why she called us, she asked if we could help carry some of her stuff to her house. so we happily agree and on the way I do what any great missionary would do and I ask her if she has any friends or family who need God in these moments. She told us that in fact she did. She said she had a neighbor that was interested in visiting the church and knowing more about the church and she asks if we would like to meet her. we comply and she takes us to her. That night the woman happily accepted the baptismal date. In fact, her husband is a member as well but very inactive. Yesterday we asked her about the restoration and how she feels about Joseph Smith and the church and she said that she feels that it is true and that this is where the Lord wants her to be. She is excited about church on Sunday and to be able to read the Book of Mormon. She also said ever since we started coming over she has felt a great peace and happiness in her life that she has never had before.
The Lord is preparing people to receive the Gospel. I have seen it with my own eyes. I feel like I never understood this principle until recently. I know that the Lord will guide me to those people who have been chosen at this time to receive the gospel through the power of the Holy Ghost.
Other exciting news! Karla, Jon Julian, and Alondra were baptized this last weekend! It was one of the greatest experiences of my life to be able to see these people's conversion to the Gospel. I love these people so much! Their lives have been changed so much and the Lord has poured out His Holy Spirit upon them in great abundance. I pray that you will continue to pray to God to guide you to those people you know who have been prepared to receive the Gospel. I know He will reveal unto you as you ask in faith.
Wednesday, March 16, 2016
Strength to My Testimony
The work consumes my time and efforts. Sometimes if I focus on it too much time will go by really slow and I will feel like the mission will never end but when I just forget it and get to work the time goes by faster. So I think it's just better if I forget it and get to work. This last transfer meeting my trainer went home. it was sad to see him go. he was probably my greatest friend here in the mission. almost like an older brother. It was sad to think that we might not see each other for many years.
This week we have two baptisms, maybe three. but I just want to write a little about two of them. One is named Jon Julian. This man is separated from his wife and children because his wife wanted to do different things and didn't want to live with him anymore. These last couple years have been hard for him dealing with family and financial problems. We found him one day contacting. Without even calling him he came out of his house and asked if we had called his name. we said no. and he knew it must have been a sign from god so he listened to us. We gave him a pamphlet of the restoration and a couple days later he came to us and said he knew that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God and that he was visited by angels. He said he received a testimony of it through a voice that told him it was true. ever since then he has been reading the Book of Mormon. I have seen him change his life so much. He is ready to be baptized this Saturday.
The other one is named Karla. She is the mother of the woman we baptized a few weeks ago. She started out with many doubts and many concerns but with a willingness to learn. We gave her a copy of the Book of Mormon and ever since then has been reading it every day. She reads our assignments and she started from the beginning of the book and she is almost to 2 Nephi I believe! She also expressed a profound sense of happiness and light that has filled her life. and she says she feels a certain filling in her soul. she says she once was empty and she feels like the Lord has directed her to the truth. something she has been looking for her whole life. I know that the Lord little by little softened her heart. until she was humble enough to receive the gospel light and truth and apply it to her life.
I know the Lord led me to these people and that I was made an instrument in his hands to help these people receive the Holy Ghost in their hearts. I love this work and know with a surety of heart and soul that it is the truth. My spirit rejects the notion of it not being the true and everlasting gospel. I cannot deny it. I have seen too many miracles, too many witnesses. This is my testimony. May it stand forevermore before the world.
This week we have two baptisms, maybe three. but I just want to write a little about two of them. One is named Jon Julian. This man is separated from his wife and children because his wife wanted to do different things and didn't want to live with him anymore. These last couple years have been hard for him dealing with family and financial problems. We found him one day contacting. Without even calling him he came out of his house and asked if we had called his name. we said no. and he knew it must have been a sign from god so he listened to us. We gave him a pamphlet of the restoration and a couple days later he came to us and said he knew that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God and that he was visited by angels. He said he received a testimony of it through a voice that told him it was true. ever since then he has been reading the Book of Mormon. I have seen him change his life so much. He is ready to be baptized this Saturday.
The other one is named Karla. She is the mother of the woman we baptized a few weeks ago. She started out with many doubts and many concerns but with a willingness to learn. We gave her a copy of the Book of Mormon and ever since then has been reading it every day. She reads our assignments and she started from the beginning of the book and she is almost to 2 Nephi I believe! She also expressed a profound sense of happiness and light that has filled her life. and she says she feels a certain filling in her soul. she says she once was empty and she feels like the Lord has directed her to the truth. something she has been looking for her whole life. I know that the Lord little by little softened her heart. until she was humble enough to receive the gospel light and truth and apply it to her life.
I know the Lord led me to these people and that I was made an instrument in his hands to help these people receive the Holy Ghost in their hearts. I love this work and know with a surety of heart and soul that it is the truth. My spirit rejects the notion of it not being the true and everlasting gospel. I cannot deny it. I have seen too many miracles, too many witnesses. This is my testimony. May it stand forevermore before the world.
Sunday, March 13, 2016
The Lord Will Lead His Servants
I don't know why I would feel so down but things are going fairly well in our area! We have four potentials for this month and a couple for next month. It seems that when we are doing our best that Satan always tries to make us feel inadequate. But God is good and directs us in every moment.
I remembered that when i had transfers and was transferred and reopening this area that me and my companion, then Elder Hughes, we shared a prayer concerning the direction we should start working. I remember receiving a distinct impression that we need to work in this one specific part of our area. I expressed this feeling to my companion and we made the necessary plans. For these past weeks I have always had this lasting impression and I didn't know why until yesterday. God had guided us to where these people were. He had prepared them for many years until this precise moment when we found them and taught them the gospel. I know now God directed us there.
Yesterday, as we were talking to one of our investigators named Karla, she expressed her feelings of great love and happiness that she feels as she has learned the gospel and the plan of salvation. Her testimony has grown so profoundly in the last couple weeks! I know the Lord has been guiding us the whole time.

I know this is His work. I am so happy to be a part of it and to really see how it affects peoples lives. sometimes when i feel down or selfishness I forget the true blessings of the Gospel and the spirit it brings. When i see these people come unto Christ and see the joy and tears in their eyes for the miracles and great mercy that God has blessed them with through their obedience is a feeling and experience that is inexpresable. I have come to know that the scripture is true- "And if it so be that you should labor all your days in crying repentance unto this people, and bring, save it be one soul unto me, how great shall be your joy with him in the kingdom of my Father! And now, if your joy will be great with one soul that you have brought unto me into the kingdom of my Father, how great will be your joy if you should bring many souls unto me!"
I know this is Gods work. I know the worth of souls is great in the sight of God. Why then should I doubt or be afraid?
I know this is Gods work. I know the worth of souls is great in the sight of God. Why then should I doubt or be afraid?
Wednesday, March 2, 2016
The Work of God
We had multizone conferences these last 2 days and have been really busy taking care of all the logistics. Elder Ochoa came to our mission to do a mission tour and to see how everything is going here in the Nicaragua south mission. I got a chance to sit in on one of the conferences and listen to what he had to tell us. He talked about faith. how we need to have faith in missionary work. One thing that really struck me was the importance in using faith to find those who have been chosen to receive the gospel at this time. We need to actively pray and seek the guidance of the Holy Ghost so that we can be led to the "chosen".
Lately, the work has been struggling a little in my area and I know I need to start finding those chosen souls. He also showed me how we have great power and authority given by Jesus Christ himself. and we shouldn't have fear to do things that we know we can do through the power and authority. Living worthy of the guidance of the spirit is another thing and something I have a lot of trouble with. trying to be exactly obedient and trying to always keep my thoughts pure. I have found that as I focus my mind on the gospel and on the work that there is more power and authority in my speech and in my actions.
This next week we have the baptism of a lady named Anielka. She was a past investigator that received the missionary lessons one year ago but didn't get baptized for some reason, so, we have been teaching her for a couple weeks now and she is ready to be baptized. A lot of our investigators dropped this week including some families we had taught. I don't know what happened with them. we had one teaching and they were really awesome people they just couldn't come to church on Sunday. so we dropped them and I hope someday they will be more ready to receive the gospel and live by its laws. last Sunday, we didn't have anyone of our investigators come to church, I felt down and very depressed afterward. I prayed to my heavenly father with tears in my eyes and a heavy heart, why he had let me down, why couldn't I have the success I needed to have.
After pouring my angry and deceived heart to him, I heard a voice, a voice as clear as my own. the voice told me that this was not my work. This was not the work of Elder Lim, this was His work. He told me that as I felt sad, He felt even more sad. He chastened me for my prideful actions and thoughts. I am but a mere instrument in his hands through which He can work. My Heavenly Father knows me, He directs me and guides me, and knows what needs to be done. So, as I was trusting and confiding in my own strength, I became weak and the Lord did not pour out his blessings upon me. But, at the same time, I felt a great calm fall upon my mind and my heart. even though I felt like a failure of a missionary, I know that I am serving my God, and no one else.
He is the great master and teacher. This experience changed my heart. I didn't explain even the half of it because the feelings and words He spoke to me I cannot write, but, just know that the Lord knows, we will do His will because we love him. Seek not to do your own will, but to do the will of him that sent you. I believe we all have some kind of calling at every point in our lives. we must find that calling, that sentence, and give all glory to the Father, who has sent us.
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