Today i want to talk a little bit about the power of the Fast. to those of you who don't believe in fasting or the very real power of our Heavenly Father, i just want to share a brief experience that i had about fasting this week. This week i had my first fasting experience in Nicaragua. Man it was HARD, especially when you get really thirsty really quick. this week i fasted to be able to understand this language and to be able to just be able to speak a little bit more. the affects of my faith and wanting to be able to communicate with the people more than i wanted to drink or eat was almost immediate. almost minutes after i terminated my fast i could notice the difference. i could understand just a little better what people were saying and when i talked to people i could speak more without thinking. Brothers and Sisters, the power of God is REAL. Our loving Heavenly Father always blesses those who have the faith and capacity to do the things he asks of us. in this experience i received a lot more than what i had hoped for. i know heavenly father loves each and every one of us, and by acting on our faith we can change and BECOME.

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