Mis queridos amigos,

This week has been awesome like always when you are the Lords servant! This week i have seen miracles happen. when we hear the word miracles a lot of us think about people being healed of fatal diseases or people being raised from the dead. yes these are miracles but most of the time the miracles of God are so much simpler and more realistic. this week we started teaching a man who has had problems with drinking. one day we found him sober s
o we took the opportunity to teach him and invite him to church. fast forward to sunday, he comes to church with us which was so exciting! fast forward to that night, we talk to him and he tells us that the day before some people had offered him an opportunity to go and find some work, and here work is really hard to find. but he told them that he had promised us he would go to church on sunday. so he lost an opportunity to find more work. but then comes the miracle. he sadi after church a member came up to him and started talking to him and they walked home together and that the member had offered him work.
Remember always that the Lord loves to bless His children. We are blessed when we do what He says. Of this i bear personal witness to.
Amor, Elder Alejandro Lim
PS. I love to hear your responses and maybe some personal stories that you would like to share with me. Thank You All! May God bless you always.
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