The Road Back to God
That is so awesome how the Lord can find little ways to bless our lives! I thank heavenly father each and every day for the opportunity to be here on a mission! it is so cool to hear about all the experiences you have! i am so excited about all the good things going on in the ward right now. i miss everyone back home! i want to especially thank the Hamiltons, Sister Batschi, and Sister Anderson for sending all the encouragement! it is so great to know that the people in our ward are thinking so much about me. This week has been so great! i am finally starting to understand what teaching is all about! i find that when i just focus on the person i am teaching and really try to know them, the spirit is so strong! i find that when i worry about the language or what questions to ask or what scriptures to use i miss what the investigator is telling me and I am not able to touch their hearts as easily. i have also learned to strategize in my lessons and not take all the time away from my companion. i learned that the hard way. one of my teachers taught us a cool analogy earlier this week. he said, as missionaries you carry a portable iron rod, and with that portable iron rod, we go out into the mists of darkness and find those that are wandering or who are on strange paths and bring them to the fruit of the Love of God. another cool thing he said is, imagine that the kingdom of God is a castle, and baptism is the gate to that castle. now, before Preach my gospel came out, they had memorized lessons and only one road toward the gate of baptism. with the memorized lessons it would just be like a big net they spread over that one road and hopefully they caught all the people on that one road. but with preach my gospel there are now a bajillion roads leading to the gate of baptism and through pmg we can go on those different roads that everybody walks and lead the people from all walks of life to the glory of God. food for thought. as i have been here i have realized my divine role as a missionary for God's Kingdom. that out of the numberless hosts of heaven i was chosen to come to this earth at this time. it gives me hope that i was a valiant spirit before this life. it is a special feeling to be here during Christmas time. The spirit is so strong here as we focus on the message of the birth of our Savior and Redeemer Jesus Christ. i have grown so close to Him these past few weeks and i can feel His love so strongly in my life. i just want to share the love i feel with everyone! yes my companion is going to nicaragua also. i love you!
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