Monday, June 29, 2015

Suffer the Children

Hola Amigos!
     Como estan todos? todo bien? haha this week was a pretty normal week. we had transfers but i didn't get transferred this time. This week i would like to talk a little bit to the adults.
     What kind of example do you set for your children? this week we talked to a woman who didn't want to let her child get baptized because he was too young and he would just eventually leave the church like his brother did. but i asked her, what are you doing to set an example for your children? of course she got offended and thought i was saying that she was a bad mother.
But what kind of example are you giving to your children? as children we learn everything from our parents. through them we learn everything about life and how to interact with the world. i talked also with a less active father who didn't want to go to church because he didn't feel worthy too or something like that, but i asked him what kind of example he was setting for his children. he responded that it was a pretty bad one. i remember through my entire childhood my parents always went to church, save for sickness and sometimes vacation we didn't go, but we always went no matter what. because my parents made church a priority in our family i have never felt the need or desire to leave the church. as mothers and father, the Lord has blessed you with a great responsibility of raising his sons and daughters. What are we doing to help the sons and daughters of our heavenly father return to our heavenly home and live with him? As parents it is essential that our children grow up with the light and the gospel in their lives.
     I bear testimony that when we put God in first place and everything else below that the Lord will bless you and your family. As you show your children the way through your example, you will be an instrument in the Lords hands in bringing to pass the salvation of many. I hope you all have a great week! I love you all!
Elder Alejandro Lim

Monday, June 15, 2015

Francesca's Miracle

Queridos Amigos Míos,
This week i wont be sharing a spiritual message but ill be sharing a personal experience that i had this week.
This las week was hard, i got a little sick for a couple of days and couldnt leave to my area to work so it wasnt the best week. We have this investigator whos name is Francesca, she is 14 years old and has been investigating the church for a few weeks now. She was a contact we had who accepted the gospel right away after she had a near death experience a couple days before meeting us. the only problem we had with her is that her mother didnt want her to join our church for multiple reasons and her family was very against her joining. so in my prayers every night i prayed that her mother would soften her heart and let her be baptized. This last friday, the mother came to us and told us that her daughter couldnt continue investigating the church because the family issues. At this moment we felt very sad because this young girl really had a testimony of the Restored Gospel. So we decided that yeah she was done with us. The following day we were in a baptism for the Sisters and in walked Francesca and her mother in tow! We were so surprised! Later the mother told us that she had escaped from the house so that she could go to the baptism. The first miracle! That night i prayed super hard that somehow the mothers heart would be softened. The follwing day was sunday, and we decided Francesca will come if she wants to. 20 minutes after the meeting started, in walked francesca and her mother! but her mother didnt want to go into the chapel for some reason. later the zone leaders walked in and asked about Francesca and the mother, we told them the situation and they went and talked to the mother. 10 minutes later the mother was crying and saying that she knew it was true and she knew it was where her daughter wanted to be and we put a baptismal date with her too for the 27th! soon enough, she was signing the baptismal record for her daughter to be baptized this week! afterward, me and my companion just stood there like "What just happened?" A miracle indeed!
In this same moment i knew that God had blessed us profoundly. I know that he heard our prayers. I know that he had preparde Francesca and her mother to receive the Gospel at this time. How great is my gratitude for God and His Infinite Mercy! That even when His children dont deserve such blessings, He gives it to them! 
My dear friends, I am so grateful for the love and support that i have felt here in the mission and i pray that you will continue to pray for me daily. I love you all and i hope this week is great!

Monday, June 8, 2015

Faith Without Works is Dead

 Mis Queridos Amigos,
     If you read last weeks email, i had transfers last week and i was a little distraught, but today i am feeling better. Thank you for all the prayers!
     Today i would like to talk a little bit about Faith. Faith is something universal, everyone has faith, everyone believes in some kind of higher power and that all are subject to this higher power. Today we know that there is a God and that He exists. The majority of us have never seen Him before face to face like Moses or Joseph Smith but through reading the Holy Scriptures, The Bible, and The Book of Mormon, we know that He exists and that He is real. With real power and real love for His children. But if we have Faith in God and in His Son Jesus Christ. and we know that it is through him
we have received a remission of our sins, what are we doing then, as debtors to our lord and savior Jesus Christ to show that we are worthy to retain the remission of our sins? We can read in James 3:17 that faith without works is dead. Everyone has faith, but we cannot be saved or receive a remission of our sins on faith alone. As a representative of the Lord Jesus Christ, i have received a witness of Him and the power of His Atonement, therefore, i am worthy of the punishment that comes with the knowledge of the laws of God. But through my faith and through my works which is Repentence, i am able to cast off my natural man and become one with the Infinite Atonement of Jesus Christ. Christ has paid the price, yes, but in order to be freed from our enemies, sin and death, we need to follow the contract the savior has given us through the atonement,which is, the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Faith, Repentence, Baptism, and the Holy Ghost. But before we make the sacred covenant of baptism we need to show to our Lord that we are willing to act on our faith and do the things that He has commanded us. When we do the things He has commanded us, through Him, and with Him, we recieve a remission of our sins and therefore we become worthy to enter into the kingdom of God.
     I exhort you, to not only have Faith, but ACT. Jesus Christ teaches us to not only be hearers of the word, but to be doers of the word as well. those who not only hear, but do, receive a greater knowledge of the Eternal Gospel that which they should do to become a part of the Kingdom of God. This week, I invite you to not only hear, but DO. We as Members of the Church of Jesus Christ are not finished when we enter into the waters of baptism or when we go to the temple, for on this road to perfection, there are no rest stops, there are no short cuts. To those who much has been given, much is required. I leave these things with you and testify of them in the sacred name of Jesus Christ, Amen. I hope everyone has a great week! I love you all! 

Monday, June 1, 2015

Challenges Along the Way

Queridos Amigos Mios,
     This week was a week of challenges. first of all, our family that was progressing really well almost fell becuase they were having relationship issues but through talking to them we were able to convince them that this path is the path that leads to greater happiness. the second challenge is that we could only bring 2 investigators to church this week. and last but not least, today at 3 in the afternoon, me and my companion had emergency transfers and now i am in Masaya. i am not sure what area yet because i just got here but it seems nice. Pray for me that i will have the strength to overcome this challenge. I hope everyone is well and that they have a great week! I love you all!