As I ponder on their path towards baptism, I realize the many miracles we beheld and the extraordinary faith of this family. Juana who is the head of the household and single mother, was a great example to her family despite having to work hard every day under the hot sun and not being able to see or read very well she showed extraordinary faith towards baptism. One of the great miracles was when we taught her the Word of Wisdom. Despite having started to drink coffee the same time she started nursing as a baby, she was able to quit coffee the same day we taught her this great commandment. Even though the first few days were very difficult for her, suffering severe headaches, she never drank coffee again.
Ana is the granddaughter of Juana. Ever since the day she received the Book of Mormon she read it insatiably, sometimes going to bed late at night. She has grown a profound testimony of the Book of Mormon and I believe completed reading the book right before her baptism, which means she read it in just one month. She was at first very shy and was embarrassed to say the prayers in our lessons but soon gained confidence enough to read and pray out loud in our Gospel Principles class.
Maycol and Alicia were married the same day they were baptized. Despite working a very difficult job and not being able to read very well, Maycol put in a lot of effort to read the scriptures every day and the lesson pamphlets. He was one of those who accepted our message from the very beginning. His wife, Alicia, at first didn't seem too interested but after a couple weeks of visiting with her husband she soon joined in and committed to baptism along with her husband.
Juan became a great and powerful addition to the church. Even though he cant read very well. He always strove to learn and complete with Gods commandments. He had some difficulties with coffee but with much faith and great commitment to God, he was able to stop drinking.
With such faith I am filled with complete joy and humility. I know that these miracles were not of our doing but of the power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ. I am so grateful of these gifts and blessings which Our Father in Heaven sees fit in His everlasting mercy to pour out upon us. I know that this is Gods church and that this is His work. I have seen and felt of these truths and I know they are real.

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