This week we had Multizone conferences with President and Sister Russell. Things were very emotional as they said their final goodbyes. I know that even though I sometimes questioned the reason for the things President would do I know now that this man was truly called of God to preside over this great mission. As a result of President and Sister Russells leadership the Nicaragua Managua South Mission is the most successful of all Central America. I know that as I trust God and His servants I can know that my obedience towards them will bring me blessings both temporal and spiritual. I am grateful that I was sent to this mission at this great time to reap the fruits of this great harvest. I know that the Nicaraguans have been prepared for this time and that God is working among them. I love this work and testify of its divinity. I know He is at the helm and we can be powerful instruments in his hands to bring to pass much righteousness.
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