Monday, August 3, 2015

Seven Times Seventy

    I hope everyone had a good week! This week i just want to share an experience and the lesson that i learned or that can be learned from this experience. As we were working hard this last sunday morning to bring our investigators to the church, we went to look for one of our most positive investigators, as we arrived to his house, he was sitting out front waiting for us (as he thought we only came to share a message) as we sat down and talked with him, he told us that he couldnt make it to church because he was going to leave soon. but in the same moment he started talking about one of his problems that he was going through. turns out he was really angry at someone for what they did to him and because of this he felt he needed more time and that he couldnt come to church with us. As my companion began to explain that going to church was the best thing to do, i felt the strong impression to talk about forgiveness with him. As i talked with him about forgiveness, and shared Matthew 18, where the Lord teaches that we must forgive "even seven times seventy". As we talked, he began to share more about his situation and his resentment and growing hatred toward this person who had cheated him.
      As i talked with him i felt the impression to take him to the church and offer a prayer. when we arrived at the church and offered the prayer, we saw that his whole demeanor had changed, his heart had softened and his faith and trust in the Lord had been strengthened. I know now that through his faith and his willingness to forgive himself and the other person, his testimony and love for the Lord Jesus Christ grew. There are two lessons we can learn from this esperience, first, is the miracle of forgiveness. As we root out the spirit of contention from our breasts we can feel the peace and tranquility that comes with allowing the Holy Ghost to dwell and become part of our hearts. I can testify of the wonder of forgiveness and that through finding forgiveness we can also find peace and love. When we have peace and love in our hearts the Lord can guide us through our difficulties and challenges.
       Lesson two, that only in the Lords house can we find a safe refuge from the distractions, temptations, and evil spirits of Satan and the World. As human beings, we are subject to and prey to the whims of the world, we are spiritually sick. when we become sick physically, where do we go? to the hospital! As well, our spiritual selves need the nourishment, care, and medicine, that we can only find inside the Lords house. Always obey the sabbath, for this day was made for us. As the scripture says "the sabbath was made for man and not man for the sabbath." I hope and pray that you will always have the desire to change and become better and more perfected in Christ. I hope that my messages strengthen and uplift your spirits and testimonies. As a servant of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I testify His power and divinity. In His name, Amen. Have a great week!

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