Hola Todos!

thank you to everyone who wrote to me! i love hearing from you! i apologize if i dont respond but i have so much to write in so little time! anyway, this week has been full of challenges but i have really learned to appreciate the strength of my ward back home. i testify that wards have so much potential to do so much missionary work! especially the benson hill ward. i encourage you to set goals as a family for how many people you want to baptize as
a family this year. make a goal and keep that goal. i promise you the blessings will pour from heaven. appreciate the support system you have in your ward families and strive to look for opportunities to strengthen your relationship with everyone in the ward. if there is a particular family you dont know very well. talk to them, invite them to dinner, family home evening,(with the missionaries ;)) and help build the kingdom of god. dont satisfy yourself with your own salvation but be seek ye to build the kingdom of god and strengthen it. i know that only in this there is true happiness. I miss and love you all. have a great week!