Como estan todos? todo bien? haha this week was a pretty normal week. we had transfers but i didn't get transferred this time. This week i would like to talk a little bit to the adults.
What kind of example do you set for your children? this week we talked to a woman who didn't want to let her child get baptized because he was too young and he would just eventually leave the church like his brother did. but i asked her, what are you doing to set an example for your children? of course she got offended and thought i was saying that she was a bad mother.
But what kind of example are you giving to your children? as children we learn everything from our parents. through them we learn everything about life and how to interact with the world. i talked also with a less active father who didn't want to go to church because he didn't feel worthy too or something like that, but i asked him what kind of example he was setting for his children. he responded that it was a pretty bad one. i remember through my entire childhood my parents always went to church, save for sickness and sometimes vacation we didn't go, but we always went no matter what. because my parents made church a priority in our family i have never felt the need or desire to leave the church. as mothers and father, the Lord has blessed you with a great responsibility of raising his sons and daughters. What are we doing to help the sons and daughters of our heavenly father return to our heavenly home and live with him? As parents it is essential that our children grow up with the light and the gospel in their lives.
I bear testimony that when we put God in first place and everything else below that the Lord will bless you and your family. As you show your children the way through your example, you will be an instrument in the Lords hands in bringing to pass the salvation of many. I hope you all have a great week! I love you all!
Elder Alejandro Lim
I bear testimony that when we put God in first place and everything else below that the Lord will bless you and your family. As you show your children the way through your example, you will be an instrument in the Lords hands in bringing to pass the salvation of many. I hope you all have a great week! I love you all!
Elder Alejandro Lim