Monday, May 25, 2015

Daily Change through #Repentance

Queridos amigos míos!
     Another week has come and gone and the work of the Lord goes on unfailingly! How I am grateful to be here in the mission with these people! They truly are a people ready for the Gospel Truths! This week I would like to touch on a topic that is very important and an essential part of our lives as members of the Church of Jesus Christ.
     Remember that repentance is continual. every week as part of this process of repentance we take the sacrament. but what does taking the sacrament really mean? and why is it so divinely important every week that we take the Sacred emblems of the flesh and blood of Christ? Here in Nicaragua many people go to church, but many people dont know the real importance of going to church and partaking of this sacred ordinance. As members of the Church we know the importance and the role the sacrament play in the process of our repentence. When we are baptized we make a sacred covenant to remember the Savior Jesus Christ, take upon us His Divine Name, and Keep all His commandments. in return we receive the divine guidance of the Holy Ghost. The key part of this covenant is keeping the commandments. we know that Sin is working contrary to the laws that God has established among His children and that obedience to these laws bring joy and happiness beyond anything found in this world. Every week we make decisions, whether they be good or bad, but every week we have the great opportunity being cleansed of our sins once again and keep pushing onward as Gods chosen people. we know that through this process, we will be worthy to recieve the fulness of the blessings of God. I exhort you to remember this sacred covenants and all the other covenants you have made and stay faithful and worthy of the blessings that The Lord has to offer.
     I know of the certainty of these things and as a representative of Jesus Christ, I bear witness of the Divinity and Power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ. May you find true happiness in the Paths of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Elder Alejandro Lim

Monday, May 18, 2015

My Transfer to La Brogoña

Hola Amigos!
     This week i had transfers! i am now in an area called La Brogoña, which i am also reopening. its like really rural and really fun to explore. My companion is Elder Chacon, from El Salvador. he is really quiet and humble and is a great teacher.
     One thing i have really noticed this week is that when the Lord gives us challenges, he gives us the tools to overcome and complete the work that He has given you. as i have been given this difficult assignment to reopen an area, I have found that the Lord has blessed me with better language skills and a better capacity to complete the work and to work hard. before, in my old area i felt like i wasnt growing anymore, but i was comfortable because we were baptizing and i knew the people and the area. but i am even more happy to be able to experience new things and new challenges. Always remember that the Lord has a plan for each and every one of us and that He will always guide into the paths that will help you to grow the most, whether they be easy or difficult. This life is meant for us to grow and to learn and to experience. Trust in the Lord and the paths that he leads you into, for He will always be with you and provide you with the tools and skills necessary to complete the work He needs to be done. Be grateful that He trusts you with all that you have and move forward in Faith.
     Also, we had a baptism in our new area, which was cool. i dont know him that well but his name is Luis. his wife was baptized last month and he made the decision to join his wife in the covenant of baptism as well to complete his family. May he stay upon the Paths the Lord has set for Him and guide his family into the Celestial Kingdom.

Monday, May 11, 2015

The Gift of A Mother

Hola Mis Amigos!
Happy Mothers Day to all the precious and beautiful mothers in the world!
I would just like to take this moment to cherish all the wonderful Daughters of Our Heavenly Father who have chosen to take on the great burden of motherhood. I know that raising children is hard and can sometimes be discouraging especially after all you do they decide to make the wrong decisions, but I know that all your work and effort is great in the eyes of God. Take this responsibility with great care for God has entrusted you with His most precious children. I know that if you give your heart to the Lord and seek his guidance in all things He will pour out His blessings upon you.

I also want to thank my own mother especially for guiding me into the person I am today, and always pushing me to always put Heavenly Father and Love for His Children first in my life. I know that I was given my mother for a reason and i pray to God for gratitude everyday to have the greatest mother in the world.
May everyone remember the gift of Motherhood this next week.
Stay Faithful and may the Lord bless you

Monday, May 4, 2015

Have Patience, The Lord Knows All

Hola Amigos y Familia!
WOW! What week! This week was truly one of the greatest in my life! This week we baptized these two children, Caroline and Jeiner. I am so grateful for these two baptisms specifically because i met these two kids my second day out in the mission field. We taught them and we taught them and we continually tried to baptize them for 4 months, but they didnt want to be baptized. They even talked to both Assistants to the President, 3 different Zone Leaders, and Me and Elder Perez. for 4 months this went on. eventually the mother and the other brother were baptized but these 2 kids didnt want to be baptized for nothing. But thanks to my companion Elder Guillen, who is a miracle worker with children, and the Mercy of God, this last Saturday both were baptized and confirmed members of the church! Que Tuanis enserio! My heart is filled with gratitude for my Father in Heaven, who tried and tested me through these 4 months. I know that there is always a plan and purpose to everything, and i am grateful that Heavenly Father saw fit to bless me with these baptisms.
Remember always that The Lord knows all and His wisdom is greater than ours. Have patience and know that your prayers will be answered, whether it be immediately or in one year, God in His infinite mercy will bless you with the things you need in the best time that you can receive them.
I love this work, i love this people, i love my Heavenly Father and my Savior Jesus Christ, i love being a missionary and i wouldnt change it for anything.
Stay strong and Pray Always for the Lord shall be with you in all things. These things i testify in the sacred name of Jesus Christ, Amen.