Mis Queridos Amigos!
This week has been a much less crazy week than last week. But this week i want to talk more about obedience in adversity.
A lot of times you hear about people who lose faith whenever something bad happens or they go through a hard time. This is not the purpose of trial. The purpose of trial is to become and overcome. Here in the mission, i have a really hard time being bold and talking to everyone. its so easy for me to just not talk and drift through the mission. but this is not why i am here. I am here to overcome and become the person that Heavenly Father knows i can be. Remember that this life is but a small moment compared to the eternity of life that we inevitably face. We either learn now and live, or we remain and perish.
No matter how hard it is. remember that these trials are but a small moment and that if you suffer them in righteousness you shall be saved in the Kingdom of Heaven.
I testify of these things and bear my witness of these things in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.