Every young man has a different way and different amounts of time for preparing to serve a full time mission. Some people grow up preparing for a mission ever since they were 8 years old. Some people are recent converts and only have a few months of membership before deciding to serve. Then there are those who didn't really think it was important until they turned 18. I was of the first category. Ever since I have been able to remember i have always wanted to serve a mission. I can never remember a time in my life when I wasn't thinking about leaving for 2 years to proselyte in a foreign land. As I grew older and matured Satan did almost everything in his power to keep me from my sacred duty. And after a while I found myself leaving the straight and narrow path and walking on paths that were dark and left me blinded to the spirit and the love of Christ. I will not speak more about this time of my life but suffice to say I was very lost and very confused. But one thing i learned that i could not comprehend for a long time was the love that Heavenly Father has for his children. I know for a fact that Heavenly Father loves me and that he has great plans for me, and i knew that he wanted me on his side. So through much repentance and prayer i found myself walking on the straight and narrow once again, basking in the warmth and joy that only the spirit can provide. But alas, Satan would not give in, and he endeavored to make my life miserable and keep me from going on the mission that i had been dreaming about since i was a small boy. many distractions and past wrongs came to haunt me and i became discouraged and far did I fall. I struggled for many months trying to find who i was again with much failure. But through the distraction and the turmoil i had forgotten the one thing that pulled me out the first time, the love of God.
I was praying one night and a certain scripture came to me, John 3:16- "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should no perish, but have everlasting life." Christ was the difference between life and death for all the children of God. Christ endured much pain and trial and affliction for us, and Heavenly Father gave his only begotten for us. May we ever remember this sacrifice. With time and patience my spirit grew again and i received my mission call.
Everyone has trials in their lives but never lose faith and base your life on those great things that Heavenly Father has planned out for us because i promise you there is no greater reward than receiving those blessings.